Monday, May 24, 2010


So, in case you haven't figured it out yet, I'm kind of a big dork that often finds everyday things fascinating or humorous. 

I think signs can be both fascinating and humorous.  If you think about it, signs are a very concise way for someone to tell the public the things that they think are of the utmost importance.  Some are very simple.  For example, "STOP."  No confusion there.  Then, there are other times where you just have to step back and say, "What the heck was the conversation that lead to deciding on THAT?" 

Here's what I think those conversations looked like for a few of the signs I saw on a recent trip to Bull Shoals, Arkansas ...


A: "So, we have these condos and I'm not sure what to call them."
B: "Are they on the water?  Are there boats?"
A: "Nope."
B: "Are they fancy?  Do you need a membership?"
A: "Nope."
B: "Definitely call it 'Yacht Club' then."


A: "I don't want people to think that we just rent accommodations.  All kinds of people rent accommodations ..."
B: "What else could we rent?"
A&B: "FUN!"


A: "I really want something that will make college kids and dirty-minded adults laugh.  But, I also have to let people know that we carry lottery tickets."
B: "I've got it!"


A: "I really like to cremate people."
B: "Me too.  I wonder if there are a lot of people out there like us."
A: "I'd bet there are.  Let's start a society!"
B: "Hurrah!"


A: "I want to sell used things."
B: "Like a pawn shop?"
A: "Kind of.  But, I don't want things that are worn out."
B: "So, kind of like a resale store?"
A: "Kind of.  But, I want to make sure that people know the stuff is used."
B: "Got it."


A: "I don't really know what I want to sell."
B: "How do you feel about rhyming?"


A: "I've always wanted to be a mermaid or a goddess, but I got stuck being a hairdresser instead."
B: "Why are those mutually exclusive?"
A: "You're SO right!"


A: "So, I'm going to open a restaurant!"
B: "Awesome!  What will you serve?"
A: "Only soup or subs.  That's it.  Nothing else."
B: "What if you change your mind and decide to start serving other things?"
A: "My friend, I can promise you THAT will never happen."


A: "Signs are expensive.  I heard they charge by the word."
B: "No way!  How are you going to let people know that you run an establishment where overweight white males with no fashion sense can catch fish?"
A: "Hmm ... Son!  Grab a camera and get in here!"

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