Thursday, May 6, 2010


I'm jealous of people who outwardly display aggression.

I'm not good at it.  I tend to do one of two things:

1.  Internalize - this can consist of seething, grudge holding, ulcers, self loathing, eye rolling, and a plethora of other behaviors that get no resolution out of the situation.

2.  Sarcasm - this is probably the most productive I get with my aggression.  It consists of making snarky comments in front of and behind the back of the object of my aggression.

I heard a coworker this morning get really worked up about someone not doing what they were supposed to do.  In a loud, commanding voice, they described the situation, described the effects of the situation, and described the outcome of the situation.  I envied my coworker.  I coveted their aggressive prowess. 

I think I'll practice.

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