Friday, March 29, 2013

The Dallas Rundown

I just spent 3 days in Dallas for work. Here's the rundown of the trip:

Former co-workers seen at my hotel: 2
Convenience stores visited: 9
Wrong turns taken: MANY
Psychological issues disclosed by participants: 1 (PTSD)
Psychological issues disclosed by random people in a convenience store: 1 (bipolar)
Butt cracks seen: 3 (2 male, 1 female)
Children going nuts for attention during interviews: 2
Cats: 5 (all in one house, achoo!)
Dogs: 3
Men who have been shot eight times: 1
People who passed out and needed oxygen on flight home: 2
Doctors on flight who attended to people who passed out and needed oxygen: 2
Xer who is glad to be home: 1
Days until I go back to Dallas: 2.5

Wish me luck!

Monday, March 11, 2013

The Mind Wanders

Today, I made the 11 hour drive from Fayetteville, AR, to Chicago, IL. Spending that much time in the car with only your thoughts ... you have to figure out how to amuse yourself.

I checked in on random sites on FourSquare: The Jesse James Wax Museum, The Vacuum Cleaner Museum, A Van Down by the River, any random place people have added. That made me giggle for a while. Then, I found something better.

At one point, I drove through Cuba, Missouri. I started thinking that that town has some AMAZING ready-made newspaper headlines should different occupations decide to go on strike...

Hair Brush Factory - The Cuban Bristle Crisis
Personal Trainers - The Cuban Muscle Crisis
Butchers - The Cuban Gristle Crisis
Referees - The Cuban Whistle Crisis
Clergy - The Cuban Epistle Crisis
Landscapers - The Cuban Thistle Crisis

Yup. That's where my mind wanders. I'm sure the other drivers wondered why that crazy girl was laughing her butt off all alone!  :)