Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Einstein was Right

Sometimes, you just have to put things in perspective.

In my former life (B.S. - Before Saatchi), I was a case manager and drug/alcohol counselor for Washington County Drug Treatment Court.  This was when I was about 22 years old.

One day, I realized that I had talked 4 people down from suicide, signed up for a class to get my concealed handgun permit, and was attacked by a meth-head diving over a table full of urine samples to try and choke me. 

This all happened in the course of a week.

I quit.

Now, there are days in my cushy corporate job where I think everything sucks or that this is the worst day ever.  Not true.  I need to think to myself, "Self, this is not nearly as bad as the day a meth-head dove over a table of urine samples to try and choke you." 

Hmm ... I think that saying would look lovely cross-stitched in to a sampler. 

The moral of the story: It's all relative.

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